About Natasha Moine.

Nutritionist & Health Coach for Women


I believe that we can always choose to change again and again. In fact, I’d say my story is proof that’s true.

In my past life I owned a children’s photography studio, capturing moments in time.

About 10 years ago I fell in love with Yoga which I really think is an elixir that slows time! That led me to add Reiki professional to my resume and eventually, it became clear that my lifelong passion for wellness would be the destiny of my next chapter. I made it official with the designation of Registered Holistic Nutritionist through the esteemed Canadian School of Natural Nutrition.

As a woman in my 40s, it really bothers me (and that’s a nice way of saying it) that there isn’t a more positive lens on aging in the media.

While we are starting to give women the credit they are due, leaning into the sophistication and richness of a life well lived, there is still lots of work to be done. That’s where Back To Balance gets its momentum -  I knew there was a real need for a program like this.

In fact, I had my business name before I had a business plan!

Helping women find balance within is my credo.

This is my philosophy for how I support my amazing clients.

Friends and clients will tell you that I’m compassionate, calm, and a great listener. My superpower is in connecting the dots in someone’s story to help create clarity and importantly, a very doable action plan. Smarter not harder always wins and I know first hand that one little step after another is the best way to arrive at any destination.

Who I Work With

While I work with clients of all ages and genders, I tend to work mostly with women in their 40s, 50s and beyond who are somewhere between perimenopause and full on menopause. The common denominator is a desire to take action and find freedom from whatever is weighing them down. Nutrition is part of the equation but a desire to find alignment in mind, body, and spirit is what sets my clients apart. They may have worked with specialists before and felt disillusioned because the approach wasn’t truly holistic or truly personalized.

Want to learn more about how I can support your health challenges?