Back To Balance Blog Series | Health Rituals for the Natural Woman

In this new blog series, I will be featuring incredible women in the holistic health field who I both admire and have a lot to offer. I want to share their expertise, tips, rituals and secrets with you!

I am kicking off the series with my friend and dietician Meg Gerber from Austin, Texas. Keep reading to find out all about Meg, what inspires her passion for her work and what beauty and health routines she would NEVER live without.

Meg Gerber RD, LD, IFNCP, CGN is a Functional Medicine Dietitian, Breath Work Teacher and Founder of Grounded Nourishment. She is also the co-founder of JÜJ Digestive Bitters.

Meg specializes in supporting those struggling with chronic digestive issues via a holistic approach that goes beyond the individualized nutrition to acknowledge the “elephant” in everyone's room - STRESS.

Stress can lead to a broken digestive system. While 'we are what we eat’ is a common refrain in the nutrition world, Meg expands this statement by instead standing by ‘‘We are what we DIGEST and ABSORB'. This foundational pillar of her practice and health philosophy lead her to prioritize tools that go beyond the food alone to optimize digestion like mindful eating, mealtime breath work and bitters

The Basics:

Meet Meg Gerber Everyone!

  1. Name  
    Meg Gerber

  2. Current Location   
    Austin, TX

  3. Profession Functional Medicine Dietitian

  4. Business Name     Grounded Nourishment & JÜJ Bitters

  5. Tell me more about your business (what do you do, who do you help, what does your workday look like, how do people find out about you)    

    I guide and empower women who struggle with ongoing bloat, IBS and frustration with their body via a curated holistic toolkit to regain trust in their body, relieve symptoms and reclaim their life.

    I typically work with women ages 20-60’s who are motivated to feel well and have already seen a number of doctors and specialists. I support women with individualized food, supplement and lifestyle recommendations along with my unique approach to breath work.

    I call it ‘breath work for gut health’ and it includes a melding of parasympathetic styles of breathwork with self loving mantras and meditation to foster the creation of a bodily environment that supports healing. My workday always starts with filling up my own cup - some sort of stillness practice like meditation or breath work, movement that makes me feel strong and a nourishing, filling breakfast.

    I see my clients typically tuesdays - fridays and on mondays I dedicate time to working on the company I co founded - JÜJ. People typically come to me on a referral basis or through instagram.



3 words you would use to describe yourself: Curious, Grounded, Passionate

Always… Matcha, End of Day Walks, Big Breakfasts, Thriller Books, Early Bedtimes, Sunshine

Never…Coffee, Country Music, History Museums, Fruity candy

Favourite beauty regime, I mean you never miss this step, no matter what: Undereye serum

3 things you could not live without: Dark Chocolate, Trail Walks, My breath work practice



What advice do you have for women who want to age naturally Gua sha and dry brushing!!! Along with supportive self talk - a lens of curiosity and compassion with yourself is key!

  1. If you could tell your younger self one thing that you know would have a BIG impact on the current version of you - what would it be? Trust yourself!

  2. How do you relax your nervous system? Or best nervous system relaxation technique Consistent morning stillness practice, mini body check ins during the day placing a hand to my heart and asking what I need, nighttime belly breath work in bed

  3. Bucket list vacation that you hope to embark on in the next 5 years (where to, and why?) Greece! For the food and views!

In 25 years how would you like to be remembered MOST? 1 sentence or less.:) Taking an approach to healing that goes beyond the norm and honors the human.


Connect with Meg:


5 Strategies to Have a Symptomless Menopause Naturally Without Hormone Therapy